
USask Residence continues to monitor the impact of Mpox for our community.

If you have questions about Monkeypox, or for more information, please visit the Province of Saskatchewan Government Website.

As a reminder, please do not come to campus if you are unwell.

Mpox is usually a self-limited viral infection with a rash that may be painful. Most people recover on their own after a few weeks.

In some circumstances, people can become very sick.

People usually develop symptoms 5 to 21 days after being exposed to the monkeypox virus.

Symptoms typically last from 2 to 4 weeks and may pass through several stages.

The rash can be painful and could affect any part of the body, such as the:

  • mouth
  • genitals
  • perianal
  • face
  • arms and legs
  • feet
  • hands

The rash usually lasts between 14 and 28 days and changes through different stages. It finally forms scabs that later fall off. The rash can be accompanied by general symptoms such as:

  • fever
  • chills
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • headache
  • muscle pain
  • joint pain
  • back pain
  • exhaustion

You are contagious from the onset of first symptoms until the scabs have fallen off on their own and the skin is healed.

If you have symptoms:

  • isolate at home away from others
  • immediately contact your health care provider or local public health authority for advice on what to do

Learn more about:

If you know you've been exposed to someone with mpox infection, contact your local public health authority immediately by dialing 811. They will provide you with instructions on what to do and how to reduce the risk of further spread.

Once you receive this information, contact the Residence Services Office, your RA, the RA-on-Duty or your Coordinator immediately so they can support you through necessary next steps and available services.


Contact your health care provider to get assessed and tested for mpox virus infection.

You can get tested for mpox infection based on a combination of factors, such as:

  • signs and symptoms
  • risk factors such as:
    • exposure to a case
    • travel history

Mpox infection can appear similar to other infectious diseases, such as chickenpox, or several sexually transmitted infections (such as herpes or gonorrhea). This is why it's important to consult a health care provider and be tested.

Treatment for symptomatic mpox infection is mainly supportive, and includes:

  • wound care
  • pain control
  • treatment of bacterial superinfections and other complications

The Imvamune® vaccine is authorized by Health Canada for immunization against mpox and orthopoxvirus infections in adults 18 years of age and older who are at high risk of exposure.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommends the Imvamune® vaccine may be offered to people with high-risk exposures to a probable or confirmed case of mpox, or within a setting where transmission is happening.

Provinces and territories determine their immunization programs based on their unique circumstances. Contact your health care provider or the Saskatchewan Public Health Authority to learn more about your risk factors and receiving a vaccination referral.

Following your consultation with 811 and have tested POSITIVE for mpox, immediately reach out to the Residence Services Office if it is during business hours, Monday – Friday (8:30am – 4:30pm) OR your RA, RA-on-Duty or Student Life Coordinator outside of business hours to inform Residence Services of your current situation and the advice/direction you received from 811 so that we can further support you and the community.

You are required to follow Residence’s risk-reduction isolation process, which includes:

  1. Isolate immediately and until receiving further instruction from Residence professional staff, who will contact you as soon as possible
    • If you are experiencing symptoms you must be symptom-free for 24 hours before coming back to USask.
    • If you have tested positive you must isolate, in place, for a duration recommended by the Saskatchewan Health Authority, in addition to being symptom-free for 24 hours before leaving isolation and returning to USask campus.
  2. Call the provincial HealthLine (811) if you have not already done so
  3. Contact (vie email or phone) the Residence Services Office, your RA, the RA on-duty, or a Coordinator to inform them about your situation immediately including an up-to-date contact number and all advice receive from your consultation with 811 including next steps, testing, isolation etc.
  4. Wait for a call from professional staff for further instructions; they will help plan your self-isolation and offer supports & resources
  5. Follow all instructions given by Residence staff and the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) for the duration of your isolation period.
  6. If you need to miss class or an exam because you are sick or diagnosed/exposed to Mpox, contact your instructor(s). Learn more about how to reschedule an exam.
  7. Remain in isolation until formally released by both the Saskatchewan Health Authority and Residence professional staff
  8. Contact your RA or the RA on-duty during shift hours from 7pm - 7am for additional support as needed.
Please note: if you fail to report symptoms or positive test results, you will be subject to a fine and/or eviction.

When Isolating in Place

Follow the instructions of your isolation plan, provided by Saskatchewan Health Authority/Public Health. Isolation time frames can vary with Mpox and residents are required to stay in isolation until they have been informed by Saskatchewan Health Authority that they no longer have to isolate.

Avoid Contact with People

Where possible, avoid contact with people who are vulnerable, such as:

  • children under 12 years of age
  • immunocompromised individuals
  • pregnant people

Avoid directly touching other people, including through sexual contact. When your isolation period is over, wear a condom for 12 weeks during any sexual contact, including oral and non-penetrative contact.

Limit contact with others from outside the home. This includes not having visitors inside the home, except your health care provider (if needed).

Avoid Contact with Animals

Avoid contact with pets and livestock, when possible. Have someone in your household care for these animals. If this isn't possible, you should:

  • cover all your lesions with clothes or bandages
  • wear a well-fitting medical mask and gloves when near the animal
  • clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces and objects frequently

Avoid all contact with wildlife around your home.

This will help limit the potential risk of introducing the monkeypox virus into animal populations in Canada.

Learn more about:

Stay in your unit and isolate in your bedroom

Avoid leaving your unit unless you need urgent medical care. Tell your health care provider about your infection before an in-person appointment, when possible.

Have necessities, such as medication or groceries, delivered to your unit

Isolate in a separate space. For example, use your private bedroom for isolation/sleeping

In shared washroom situations, you should:

  • clean and disinfect all surfaces and objects that you touched
  • do not share used towels with other people
  • immediately remove your used towels, hand clothes etc. and keep them in your bedroom

Avoid areas that are shared with others in the household. If you must use shared areas, wear a well-fitting medical mask, ensure your lesions are well covered, and clean and disinfect surfaces and objects after EVERY use.

Learn more about recommendations on:

Avoid Sharing Items that may be Contaminated:

Do not share items that may be contaminated with the virus, including:

  • linens
  • razors
  • towels
  • clothes
  • utensils
  • needles
  • sex toys
  • bedding
  • toothbrushes
  • any other items

Cover Your Lesions and Wear a Mask

Cover all your lesions with clothing or bandages as much as possible.

Wear a well-fitting medical mask when around others. For example, in a shared space or when receiving care. Other household members should wear a well-fitting medical mask when in a shared space with you.

Clean your hands and cover coughs and sneezes

Clean your hands properly and frequently.

You should also:

  1. cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand, if you're not wearing a mask
  2. throw any tissues you've used into a plastic-lined waste container as soon as possible
  3. clean your hands immediately afterwards

Learn more about recommendations on:

Keep your environment clean

Clean and disinfect all surfaces and objects that you've had contact with.

Handle and wash your own clothes, bedding, towels and other laundry, unless you're unable to do so.

Handle your own used utensils and dishes, unless you're unable to do so.

Learn more about recommendations on:

Postpone non-urgent appointments

Do not donate blood or any other body fluid (including sperm) or tissue.

Postpone all non-urgent medical visits and procedures.

COVID-19 Rules, Regulations, and Supports

For campus-wide information on COVID-19 please visit