Welcome Week

Welcome Week is the first opportunity for residents to experience residence and meet other individuals.  

Welcome Week Schedule

Throughout the first week of school, residence will be hosting numerous events for residents to engage with! Some events are for a specific audience so make sure you check the event descriptions to see which events you can attend. 

Welcome Week Events

Throughout the first week of school, residence will be hosting numerous events for residents to engage with, and have an opportunity to meet other residents. 

Parent & Supporters Orientation: 7pm-8pm

  • Description: The Parent & Supporters Orientation will be an opportunity for friends & family to learn more about Student Life and residence. There will be specific information regarding supports and resources available to residents, and parents & supporters will have an opportunity to ask any questions they may have!
  • PAC Gym
  • Only Parents & Supporters

Hall Meetings: 7pm-8pm

  • Description: Opportunity for RAs to introduce themselves and meet their students. This will be the first introduction to the rules and polices in residence and how certain things are done. RAs will spend the time to build their community and ensure that questions are answered, and expectations are set.
  • Various locations. Click here to see yours​.
  • All Residents

Welcome Home: 8:30pm-9:30pm

  • Description: Welcome Home will be the first opportunity for Professional Staff to introduce themselves and get residents excited about living in residence and the Orientation events happening that week. 
  • PAC Gym​
  • All Residents and Parents & Supporters 

Yoga: 11am-12pm

  • Description: Will be an opportunity for residents to practice self-care before heading into classes and starting school 
  • PAC Gym
  • All Residents 

Game of Thrones: 1pm-5pm

  • Description: Residents will have an opportunity to create a throne out of cardboard and meet other VP residents.
  • Voyageur Place Gym​
  • VP Residents

Make it Home: 1pm-5pm

Capture The Flag: 6pm-8pm​

  • Description: Residents will work in teams to capture the flag and engage in a fun, active event. This will be hosted on the field and residents will have the opportunity to make friends by working together to capture their opponents flag and return it safely to their team.
  • Field 3&4
  • All Residents 

Bob Ross Sip & Paint: 12pm-2pm

  • Description: Residents will engage in a fun paint night where they will work with a video of Bob Ross and have snacks.
  • Graduate House Classroom 
  • All Residents 

Sunday Sundae: 3pm-4pm

  • Residents will have the opportunity to come make a sundae and explore some fun activities while they eat their ice cream. This will be a very relaxed event that will allow residents to meet each other.
  • Graduate House Kitchen​
  • All Residents 

Outdoor Movie Night: 8pm-10pm

  • Description: Hosting a movie night outdoors on a blow-up screen. Residents will be provided with snacks and blankets to make their experience memorable. 
  • Field 3 & 4
  • All Residents 

Karaoke Night: 6:30pm-8:30pm

  • Description: Residents will be given the opportunity to bond over music and find others with similar interests.
  • Health 1150
  • All Residents

Quiz Show: 6:30pm-8:30pm

  • Description: Residents will have the opportunity to participate in a game that highlights the supports and resources on residence, in addition to learning about the University and Saskatoon. Prizes will be given out for residents who participate in the trivia.
  • Health 1150
  • All Residents

Tie Dye: 6:30pm-8:30pm

  • Description: Residents will have the opportunity to create a wonderful tie dye creation. They will be provided with socks or scrunchies (while supplies last) or they can bring their own items to dye.
  • VP Courtyard
  • All Residents

Morning Cartoons: 11am-1pm

  • Description: Residents will be given the opportunity to transport themselves back to Saturday morning cartoons, as we will be showing episodes from classic kid’s cartoons. Residents will be provided with breakfast food, and are encouraged to dress in PJs and bring blankets!
  • Building lounges
  • All Residents

Toga Run

Residents will have the opportunity to partake in the toga run at the first Huskies Football game.